Introducing InQuis

Our software connects to your ERP to retrieve the latest stock file information.

Using our Android App you can then

  • confirm that barcodes are linked to the correct product
  • check marked shelf or product price verses selling price
  • if empty pegs have been ordered

Knowing that the item is in your stock file before using the stock count functionality improves accuracy thus not only making stock takes from anywhere and any time possible, but also more efficient.

Contact Implement to unlock the future of your stock management.

Using Scale Item Barecodes

In many retail stores the use of scale items or better known as weighted items is a big part of the business.

In IQ Retail’s IQ Enterprise or IQ Business integrated accounting package these items can be handled with ease. This post is to show how this can be set up in a few simple steps.

  1. Understanding the barecode
    -The first two digits in the barecode (20 in the example shown) is the scan code typeBacon
    -The next three, four or five digits is padding or space savers, normaly zeros to fill the space between the scan code and stock code (4 zeros in the example shown)
    -After the zeros is the stock code (9 in the example shown)
    -Then there is the Price Check Digit (0 in the example shown)
    -Price follows (2604 in the example shown)
    -The last digit is the overall check digit (7 in the example shown)
  2. Setting up your scan code type
    Now that you can read the scan code type from the barecode (first two digits), head over to Point of Sale – POS setup – Define ScancodesIn this set up screen make sure that your barecode printed from the scale matches the set up in the corresponding scan code type. If needed, add or remove item code “I” or price “P” indicators.Scancodes
  3. Creating your stock item code
    In the stock maintenance screen you can now add your item.
    The item code will consist of your scan code type, the padding zeros, plus your stock code. For the example the item code will be 2000009.
    Then make sure that you deselect “Disallow Decimals” and to select “Scale Item”. In the price tab add the price per weight.StockItem
  4. Scan you barecode in POS
    Using a barecode scanner you can now scan your item in point of sale.